




Founded in 2017, Nemedio provides an IEC-62304-compliant Quality Management System / Risk Analysis & Management SaaS product, enabling teams to bring medical devices to market faster while meeting ISO and IEC standards. 

Over multiple contracts and freelance engagements, I delivered UX and UI solutions for new and enhanced features.

My contribution

UX design
UI design
Motion design
Design system updates

The team

1 × Founder / CEO
1 × Sales & Support
1 × FE Engineer
1 x BE Engineer
1 x Test Engineer


Figma GoogleDocs Airtable Jira


📝 Discussed high-level requirements w/ Founder-CEO, Sabrina

A previous medical device engineer, Sabrina had first-hand knowledge of our users' workflows and the IEC requirements they needed to meet. She wore many hats as the CEO of a small start-up, including ownership of the product backlog. At the beginning of each new design initiative, we reviewed the scope and high-level requirements as outlined in a Google Doc via remote meetings and asynchronous comments.

🎯 Refined understanding w/ Biz Dev & Backend Engineer

I often collaborated with Nemedio's business development lead and backend engineer to learn more about the range of use cases and needs of our customers and ensure that I delivered solutions that were technically possible.

👩🏼‍💻 Designed in Figma, using & evolving the design system

Creating enhanced, updated, and new features meant updating legacy designs to align with the maturing design system, often with a focus on refinement and consistency, and sometimes introducing new layout and interaction patterns.

🙌 Reviewed designs

I reviewed designs internally and sometimes with founding customers, iterating based on feedback as needed.

📐 Wrote feature specs in Jira

Clear, testable specs are important when creating IEC-62304 compliant software. I did so much typing in this role I splurged on an ergonomic keyboard!

🧪 QA tested the front-end

I ensured the developed front-end met the intended designs. Sometimes you learn new things when a design comes to life: when this happened, I collaborated with the front-end developer to refine the experience, being careful to track changes in accordance with the IEC regulations.

Contextual picker for Links Graph
Users needed the ability to create relationships between content items they had previously created. This picker supports multiple ways of browsing and searching for items, including a filtered list of suggested item types to help users who may be a bit unsure of compliance needs.

Contextual picker for Links Graph
Users needed the ability to create relationships between content items they had previously created. This picker supports multiple ways of browsing and searching for items, including a filtered list of suggested item types to help users who may be a bit unsure of compliance needs.

Updated search
The updated design included key improvements, including the ability to search by item content, sort results by various parameters, and quickly access a full list of all items. The new design also ensured the search UI was consistent with the evolving design system.

Item-specific actions
This panel enables users to easily access item-specific actions and data such as the ability to export and print the item in its current and past versions and access audit trail information. Collapsed to the right by default, users can easily access these key tasks using a sticky tab on the right of the main item content area of the screen.

Audit trail stamps
I updated and enhanced the set of audit trail stamps, ensuring consistency with the design system.


Nemedio's small and agile team meant frequent releases and frequent feedback. Founding customers were pleased with the improved designs and functionality.

Seeing the value of my contributions, the CEO evolved my role from intermittent part-time engagements to an ongoing 40h/week engagement in the winter of 2023 and planned to convert me to full-time pending a partnership with a founding customer. Unfortunately that partnership fell through and Nemedio closed in the spring of 2024.